Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Hey Verity! How do you like Medea so far? It’s a lot different than I thought it would be. I knew it was a tragedy, so I don’t know why I didn’t expect Medea to be so revenge-oriented. She is though, even calling on the goddess of dark magic, Hecate, in lines 394-397, “…By the mistress I worship / most of all and have chosen as my helpmate, / Hecate, dwelling in the inmost recesses of my hearth, / no one will bruise and batter my heart and get away with it.” Since calling upon the gods is usually taken gravely serious in Greek literature, do you think Hecate will actually help Medea? Do you think we’ll see Hecate at some point? I wouldn’t be surprised if she intervened in some way, although I don’t expect her to show up, at least any time soon.
I don’t really like how Medea takes out her anger, though, especially when it’s on her children. When she’s yelling in rage, she says “You horrible children, of a mother who hates you / god damn you with your father” (lines 111-113). It seems to me like the children are innocent in all of this, and Medea's misplaced anger will lead her to a bad decision. What do you think? Do you think that Medea will end up hurting her children when she actually wants to hurt her ex-husband?

Monday, November 7, 2016

Antigone Trial

Overall I'd say the trial went pretty well, although I kind of predicted that Antigone would win. I enjoyed the assignment though and I think it gives better insight into the characters and their motivations. It was kind of hard to find outside information on some of the characters, though. Everyone did really good, even when being cross-examined which is hard.