Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Hey Verity! How do you like Medea so far? It’s a lot different than I thought it would be. I knew it was a tragedy, so I don’t know why I didn’t expect Medea to be so revenge-oriented. She is though, even calling on the goddess of dark magic, Hecate, in lines 394-397, “…By the mistress I worship / most of all and have chosen as my helpmate, / Hecate, dwelling in the inmost recesses of my hearth, / no one will bruise and batter my heart and get away with it.” Since calling upon the gods is usually taken gravely serious in Greek literature, do you think Hecate will actually help Medea? Do you think we’ll see Hecate at some point? I wouldn’t be surprised if she intervened in some way, although I don’t expect her to show up, at least any time soon.
I don’t really like how Medea takes out her anger, though, especially when it’s on her children. When she’s yelling in rage, she says “You horrible children, of a mother who hates you / god damn you with your father” (lines 111-113). It seems to me like the children are innocent in all of this, and Medea's misplaced anger will lead her to a bad decision. What do you think? Do you think that Medea will end up hurting her children when she actually wants to hurt her ex-husband?

Monday, November 7, 2016

Antigone Trial

Overall I'd say the trial went pretty well, although I kind of predicted that Antigone would win. I enjoyed the assignment though and I think it gives better insight into the characters and their motivations. It was kind of hard to find outside information on some of the characters, though. Everyone did really good, even when being cross-examined which is hard.

Thursday, October 27, 2016


So far, 1984 isn't really what I expected it would be, but it's an interesting book nonetheless. I especially like the symbolism of the ever-present face of Big Brother, watching and hearing pretty much everything Winston does. It reminds me a lot of T. J. Eckleburg's eyes in The Great Gatsby. Big Brother makes Winston more careful and wary of everyone, which adds a constant worry and suspicion of any new characters. I think it gives a sort of unease, because I'm not sure who he can trust. Do you think Winston will ever meet Big Brother? I think he might somewhere along the way.
I also don't really know what to make of Syme and Winston's relationship. Winston and he hang out as friends, or at least friendly-ish acquaintances, but it also says "it was a fact that if Syme grasped, even for three seconds, the nature of his, Winston's, secret opinions, he would betray him instantly to the Thought Police. So would anybody else, but Syme more than most" (55). He's kind of hard to pin down, because he seems to like Winston while simultaneously being the first person who would betray him. I guess he's more loving toward his job and the infamous Big Brother than to someone who invests time in him like Winston does, which is kind of sad, but I'm honestly not sure Winston even likes him that much. Maybe he's just using Syme as a faceless someone who he can interact with. Do you think he actually feels friendly towards Syme?

Monday, October 24, 2016

Antigone Quote II

(I forgot my script, so I got this quote from the Harvard Classics translation)

Quote: Creon says "Ah me! The fault is mine. On no one else, / Of all that live, the fearful guilt can come; / I, even I, did slay thee"

Question: Could an argument be made for Antigone causing the chain reaction of deaths?

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Antigone Quote

"Antigone: Even so, we have a duty to the dead.
Creon: Not to give equal honour to good and bad.
Antigone: Who knows? In the country of the dead that may be the law."

Question: Antigone implies we know nothing of how things work in 'the country of the dead;' is she right?

Sunday, September 11, 2016

My Favorite Affirmation

My favorite Affirmation is the one by my cousin and friend, Halle.

Her five words are:

Her description of me is as follows:
Rachel has a soft, tranquil aura about her that creates a safe and secure environment for those whom she interacts with. She is understanding of the thoughts and feelings of others, and is not quick to pass judgement or to discriminate. Rachel's empathetic attributes allow her to be aware of the needs of her peers, and she provides a compassionate sense of security to her companions in times of need. Rachel is intelligent, backing up every argument and opinion with accurate information and educated views, never rushing to judge or ridicule others. As a whole, Rachel is a kindhearted individual who is loyal to her friends and respectful to those around her, and she radiates a nurturing personality that shines through from her considerate, good-natured spirit.


My result for the Myers-Briggs personality test was INFP (Introversion 71%, Intuition 76%, Feeling 88%, Prospecting 76%). It is known as 'The Mediator', because of the common need of harmony in the relationships of INFPs.

Here are some quotes I found in my research that I relate to, and why:
"INFPs have the ability to see good in almost anyone or anything. Even for the most unlovable the INFP is wont to have pity." I prefer to try to see the best in people, and I don't like believing that someone is all bad.
"When something catches INFPs' imagination and speaks to their beliefs, they go all in, dedicating their time, energy, thoughts and emotions to the project." For me, friendships or projects are very all-or-nothing. If something is not interesting, I will not put my energy into it. Despite the fact that I am not an analytical person, if I legitimately enjoy something, I will analyze and study it to death.
"...it's as though INFPs like the idea of human contact, but not the reality of social contact." I am very sensitive, and I enjoy being offered to go places or hang out with friends, but the paradox is my high level of introversion means that I tire easily in the social situations I want to feel included in.
"...acquaintances will likely get nowhere near them without sustained and tactful effort." I despise small talk and will actively avoid it. If my interaction with someone is purely pleasantries or talk of the weather, I will probably avoid them too. Friendship is something earned.
"... they are excellent at reading into others' feelings and motivations, but are often unwilling to provide others the same insight into themselves..." I can usually tell when someone is upset, and I am always willing to give what comfort I can to them, but I am extremely careful who I tell my own feelings to.

Here are some quotes that show how I differ from the stereotypical INFP:
"...people with the INFP personality type will emerge from this time alone having come to some momentous decision that even their closest friends didn't know was weighing on them..." If I am struggling with a tough decision, I almost always seek the council of a trusted friend or family member.
"...[they are] able to connect many far-flung dots into a single theme..." I usually have a bit of trouble connecting ideas if they are too far apart.
"INFPs are often so focused on the big picture that they forget the forest is made of individual trees." Admittedly, I am not super detailed-oriented, but I don't believe I am too focused on the big picture either.
"...easily speaking in metaphors and parables..." I enjoy English and writing, but I don't believe I possess the poetic qualities of INFPs.
"Left unchecked, INFPs may start to lose touch, withdrawing into 'hermit mode', and it can take a great deal of energy from their friends or partner to bring them back to the real world." I don't often lock myself away, since I rely on my friends in times of trouble.